This way my other people could be different and please follow. 1. Soaring Skill. Soaring skill is the ability of flying birds to soar or fly high. Train this skill is not a difficult thing, because basically the flying style of Pork Kekep Pig is "soaring". Simply by maintaining the health and wholeness of the feathers, Pork Kekep Pigs will soaring by itself when wing and tail growth is complete. 2. Air Attack Skill. Air attack skill is the ability of birds to attack or hunt prey in the air. Practicing this skill is quite easy, because the instinct of birds Kekep Pig as a flying insect hunter makes it do the air attack by itself when the ability to fly is pretty good. Another case with air attack simulation version. This skill requires that the bird catch the prey or bait in the air thrown by the trainer. Not all Pork Kekep Pigs can do it, because this skill requires proper recognition, habituation, and training. The trick, introduce hand gestures or cues to the birds when the bait will be thrown into the air, until the bird's gaze follows the movements of his coach's hand. After the introduction of hand gestures, then throw the bait from close range into the air until the bird jumps and catches the bait. Once the bird is able and accustomed to catch the bait thrown from close range, please add the air attack distance in accordance with the development of bird ability. 3. Diving Skill. Diving skill is a bird's ability to dive sharply from a height. In practicing diving skills, birds must have mastered soaring and air attack, because both skills are the basis of diving. How to train it, simply by allowing the bird to fly high or soaring. In a soaring position, give the cue air attack, and the result of the bird will dive sharply from a height to catch the bait thrown by the coach. The more familiar, the diving ability will be more special. In practice, the ability of the pigper bird diving is of two kinds. There is diving air attack skill and diving back to glove skill. Diving air attack skill is the ability of diving in general, while diving back to glove skill is the ability of birds to dive sharply from a height and return directly to the glove used by the owner. 4. Fighting On Air Skill. Fighting on air skill is the ability of birds to fight in the air with birds or other animals. Fighting in this context means "disturbing", because the Pork Kekep Pig is not a killer bird, but a pestilent bird. The word "on air" is added because Pork Kekep Pig is a bird fighter in the air by relying on its flying ability and agility. In practice, this skill actually does not need to be trained, because it has become instinct Pig Kekep drive out and disturb the birds or animals that are considered to threaten his territory. Not all birds have the instinct of fighting Pigs fighting. Usually, only the Pig Boat is fit and has perfect flying ability that dare to fight with predators or other animals. 5. Off Skill. Off the skill is a bird's ability to pursue a bait tied to a piece of rope. Usually, Pigs Kekep birds that have mastered the air attack, will be very easy to be trained in offline skills. Simply bind the bait on a piece of string, then instruct the bird to pursue the feed. The result, in a matter of hours, the birds already fluently playing with the lure.



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