Many people sometimes so easy to underestimate this one shooter game. Game boy, easy game, attached to the game fps made by South Korean developer, Zepetto. Indeed, this game may be practically easy to learn early, but easy does not mean easy to master. So for you not cupu continue in the game Point Blank, note these 5 tips so you become more gods play Point Blank.

5. Shoot Shootout? Do not Forget While Motion!

Do It 5 Things That You Can Be God Point Blank!

One of the important game mechanics you understand at Point Blank is, recoil or gun vibration will not increase even if you shoot while moving left and right. Therefore, try to take advantage of this mechanics so you can shoot the enemy while avoiding.

This ability is arguably the basic ability that you must master if you want to be a god in Point Blank. Without mastering this capability, you will undoubtedly be a feeder that only dies continuously, round by round.

4. Do Not Reload Arms

Do It 5 Things That You Can Be God Point Blank!

Like most fps games, reloading timings are important if you want to dominate the game. Note the parts of the place that is usually the intersection between you and the enemy. Make sure the weapon is fully charged when you reach the place. Ordination bullets while being dueled? Do not instantly reload! Use a second weapon to kill off the enemy you are facing.

If the situation is secure enough, then you can move away for a moment to reload the weapon. You can reload while hiding behind walls or objects that exist in the environment to be invisible to the enemy. Make sure your weapons are always fully charged, especially when it's almost reaching the intersection with the enemy yes!

3. Watch the Weapons

Do It 5 Things That You Can Be God Point Blank!

As a weapon shooting fps game would have become a major capability that must be mastered. You can try practicing bots first or playing training to warm up your gun shooting. Playing deathmatch can also be a good means, in order to restore the feel of your previous shooting. Not familiar? Often play to feel the aim can be formed along with running time. Do not be afraid to miss friends, being a god in Point Blank is indeed a long process really!

2. Always Wary

Do It 5 Things That You Can Be God Point Blank!

The nature of battle in the fast-paced PB, necessarily force the players to always be vigilant under any circumstances. So vigilant can be spelled out another key so you can become a god in Point Blank. Try to use a headset so you can be alert with the sound of the steps of the enemy who is pushing into an area.

Increase your awareness if you have started to enter door gates, bends, climbs, or derivatives. Because if not alert, in the lag time of 0.1 seconds you can suddenly already lying on the ground because of headshot.

1. Keep Calm In Any Condition

Do It 5 Things That You Can Be God Point Blank!

Being alert does not mean paranoid or fear, calm also must be maintained so that you are not surprised when suddenly meet enemies in unexpected places. While being alert will face the enemy, try to imagine a little scenario when you meet the enemy. Think of scenario A, scenario B, maybe even scenario C, so you can be calm whatever happens when you meet enemies in unexpected places.


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